What is after the first 1. 2. 3. 4. steps ?

Arduino Info USB/FTDI programmer Add libary Remove libary RF transmit / Recive 315 or 433 Mhz CD4051B - 8 port analog multiplexer 74hc595 - 8 port shift register - output 1-Wire ® Temperature (DS18B20) i2c bus + scanner i2c Barometric Pressure + Temp(BMP085) i2c LCD 1602 Display SingleBus Temperature + Humidity(DTH11 + DTH21 + DTH22)

Ardrino RF transmit / Recive 315 Mhz or 433 Mhz

Using cheap transmitter / Reciver
Please verify that it is legal to transmit on the frequence in you country.

PCS Item Calculated Price Price bulk buy
1 RF transmitter and receiver module 1.23 E-bay US $ 1.23 @ 1 PCS with shipping to Denmark (Aug 2013)
1 220Ω Resistor 0.07 E-bay US $ 0,07 (@200 pcs US $ 0.91) with shipping to Denmark (Aug 2013)

Recommended standard reusable hardware

PCS Item Calculated Price Price bulk buy
2 Arduino Pro Mini clone 7.42 E-bay US $ 3.71 @ 1 PCS with shipping to Denmark (Aug 2013)
1 Wire Jumper Cable 7.49 US $ 7.49 with shipping to Denmark (July 2013)
2 BREADBOARD SYB-170 170 TIE-POINTS 1.96 E-bay US $ 0.98with shipping to Denmark (Aug 2013)

Datasheet Transmitter adr reciver (XD-FST FS1000A)

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I found this guide by Kevin Darrah on youtube. That i have modify to fit the XY-MK-5V modules.. - Thanks

As antenna i just used a wire. - The right sizes - You can find lots of online calc tools.
315 MHz a ¼ wave monopole is 23.8 cm long.
433 MHz a ¼ wave monopole is 17.3 cm long.
But you can build other types of antennas as well

•Transmission Distance :20-200 m (different voltage, different effects)

I found out of the module needed an resistor to pull down the DATA signal. A small test with a potmeter, resulted in ok perfamance in 110Ω - 1700Ω, so i used an 220Ω
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Arduino Recive sample code
Below i include a sample with VirtualWire 1.15, that have crc included in the transmision.


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Arduino Transmit sample code
Below i include a sample with VirtualWire 1.15, that have crc included in the transmision.

Download VirtualWire 1.15, with my samples
First I tried VirtualWire1.19, and it did not work. - - So i deleded the version Guide, and importede the old 1.15, version

In Arduino 1.0.5
(danish version "Sketch > Importer bibliotek > Add Libary) Translatede
Sketch > Import Directory > Add Libary

Chose the file "VirtualWire115.zip"

Now you have the libary VirtualWire115

Use transmitter1_5 on the transmitter, and receiver1_5 on the reciver
For debugging use receiver1_5HEX, then you screen only print HEX codes, and will not act on backspace (BS), tab, newline (NL), carriage return (CR), and more codes !!!

I use putty as console debugging putty or Direct download my server (v0.62)
I discovered that i runs more stable than the build in version
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